Tuesday, March 23, 2010

of parenting

When I look at my son, I see a beautiful, intelligent, out-going, funny, sweet, vivacious, little man. And as much as I would like to take credit for the incredible person that he is, the truth is, I have been but a tool in his process. I didn't make him. God did. It was God, not chance, nor science, and certainly not I nor his father, that determined his skin tone, hair color, texture, eye color and shape, etc. While I was pregnant with my son, God was busy at work designing him. God looked at my characteristics and features and chose which ones to use. He looked at the father's characteristics and features and did the same. Then he put them together to create an unique masterpiece that I have the honor and privilege of calling, my son.

Parenthood is a privilege that I do not take lightly. Parenting is a partnership with God. I have been placed in my child's life as an under shepherd and I am responsible, to God, for him. All that I tell him, all that I show him, I will answer to God for. God has instructed us how to raise our children. You can easily find it in His Word, The Bible. If we fail to do as we have been instructed, not only will we suffer, but so will our children.

I am a firm believer that though God may not always give us what we want, He does give us what we need. Many parents look at their children and think, "they need me," and that motivates them. When I look at my son I think, "I need him." For a long time I didn't want children but becoming a mom has made me a better person. This little jewel has been placed in my care by God. He is here to teach me just as much as I am here to teach him. Seeing him makes me take a closer look at myself. It makes me notice my flaws and imperfections and seek to eliminate them. He inspires me to be better today than I was yesterday.

That said, I'd be lying if I said that I don't think, "he needs me," but his need is for the woman I am becoming not the woman I was when I conceived him. I believe that my son needs an incredible woman for a mother. Since God has placed him here with me, I must have within me the ability/potential to be that woman. If it weren't so, I wouldn't have him. It is with that belief that I strive daily to become that incredible woman/mother for him.  This is my daily motivation.

No one ever said parenting was easy, it's a job, which implies work, but parenting comes with some of the greatest benefits of any job ever. An, "I love you," has never felt so good. The word, "mommy," brightens my day. This child has the ability to fill even the most miserable of days with happy memories. When God blessed me with him, he was entrusting me with his life. Do not take your partnership with God lightly, the blood on your hands in eternity will be that of your children.

Someone is watching, so live like it!