Thursday, May 30, 2013

of your children

two little eyes watch everything you do
one little heart believes you speak the truth
one little mind being molded by you
one little life depending on you too
one little person deserves the best, it's true
so live like your little one wants to be like you

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

of parenting

When I look at my son, I see a beautiful, intelligent, out-going, funny, sweet, vivacious, little man. And as much as I would like to take credit for the incredible person that he is, the truth is, I have been but a tool in his process. I didn't make him. God did. It was God, not chance, nor science, and certainly not I nor his father, that determined his skin tone, hair color, texture, eye color and shape, etc. While I was pregnant with my son, God was busy at work designing him. God looked at my characteristics and features and chose which ones to use. He looked at the father's characteristics and features and did the same. Then he put them together to create an unique masterpiece that I have the honor and privilege of calling, my son.

Parenthood is a privilege that I do not take lightly. Parenting is a partnership with God. I have been placed in my child's life as an under shepherd and I am responsible, to God, for him. All that I tell him, all that I show him, I will answer to God for. God has instructed us how to raise our children. You can easily find it in His Word, The Bible. If we fail to do as we have been instructed, not only will we suffer, but so will our children.

I am a firm believer that though God may not always give us what we want, He does give us what we need. Many parents look at their children and think, "they need me," and that motivates them. When I look at my son I think, "I need him." For a long time I didn't want children but becoming a mom has made me a better person. This little jewel has been placed in my care by God. He is here to teach me just as much as I am here to teach him. Seeing him makes me take a closer look at myself. It makes me notice my flaws and imperfections and seek to eliminate them. He inspires me to be better today than I was yesterday.

That said, I'd be lying if I said that I don't think, "he needs me," but his need is for the woman I am becoming not the woman I was when I conceived him. I believe that my son needs an incredible woman for a mother. Since God has placed him here with me, I must have within me the ability/potential to be that woman. If it weren't so, I wouldn't have him. It is with that belief that I strive daily to become that incredible woman/mother for him.  This is my daily motivation.

No one ever said parenting was easy, it's a job, which implies work, but parenting comes with some of the greatest benefits of any job ever. An, "I love you," has never felt so good. The word, "mommy," brightens my day. This child has the ability to fill even the most miserable of days with happy memories. When God blessed me with him, he was entrusting me with his life. Do not take your partnership with God lightly, the blood on your hands in eternity will be that of your children.

Someone is watching, so live like it!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

of 1 Peter 3:7

1 Peter 3:7 says, "Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered." KJV

I have heard many people claim that this scripture calls women weak; that it is referring to the wife as a "weaker vessel." I completely disagree. Read 1 Peter 3:7 again, notice it says, "as unto," NOT, "for she is." The difference is momentous.

This scripture is one of my favorites. This verse tells me what God desires for me as a wife. It tells me that God wants me to be a high priority in my husband's life. It tells me that God loves me so much that he wants my husband to consider, protect, and adore me. God wants my husband to handle me as if at any time, for any reason, any move, any decision, that he makes could cause me to break and be destroyed forever. God wants nothing but the best for me. That's a whole lot of love for one tiny verse. Just thinking about the weight of this verse gives me butterflies. Truly God is the author of romance. How fortunate am I to be loved so by Him? It's more than enough to make me walk with my head high and chest out.

Someone IS watching!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

of the whole loaf

It has always been God's desire to commune with man. He wants the absolute best for us. He is what's best for us. We are a disaster without him. Every word in the Bible is intended for our good. Too often we try to pick-and-choose what we believe in the Bible, taking damnation unto ourselves. We need the whole Bible not just a few verses, not a few slices but the whole loaf.

Cars, gaming systems, televisions, stereos, alarm systems...they all come with something very important. What is it? An instruction manual. That's what the Bible is for your body and soul. You are a spirit operating these entities and though it is possible to operate them without reading the manual, you will never know all the capabilities they possess, and never realize your potential.

The Bible not only tells us what to do and how to do it, it gives numerous examples, testimonies, showing that God's way works. It also shows that man's way doesn't. When God created Adam he gave him ONE rule. As long as Adam was obedient, he ruled this planet. He named everything that occupied it including Eve, the first woman. Once Adam disobeyed God, man loss his proper place.

God allowed man to go on without his guidance, and it only took NINE generations after Adam for humanity to become so screwed-up, so perverse, so depraved, for God to decide to start over. In Christ, God has given us a way back. Earth was once under Adam's dominion, it can now be under ours. Take your proper place, unlock your hidden ability, realize your true potential. For this to happen you have to READ THE MANUAL!!!

Someone is watching!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

of your wedding vows

I,___, take you,___, to be my lawfully wedded wife/husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part...

Sound familiar? It should, millions of people get married every year, many of the marriages, unfortunately, end in divorce. Though society will try to convince you that there are many reasons for this, the truth is there is only one. We have said, "No God." Marriage is a Holy Union ordained by God, God has established roles and guidelines for it. Mankind, in all our vast knowledge, has chosen to ignore God and in doing so we have sabotaged ourselves. For a marriage to stand strong it must be in-line with The Word of God. As long as we refuse to take our rightful place in God we will not be successful. The following is my opinion which has been greatly influenced by the Bible.

It is important to receive Godly counsel before getting married. The goal of the counseling is to inform you what God says a wife/husband is, to make any additional expectations known, and to destroy any illusions one might have regarding what a marriage is. Usually this is done with your pastor but it is also a good idea to discuss things with your bridal party. A bridal party is not just a group of your closest friends. They are family and friends that you trust to fight for your relationship, even when you don't feel like it. Choose them wisely.

Recognize that wedding vows are beautiful, sweet, and romantic, but they are made to God, not to your spouse. When you exchange those vows you enter into a covenant with God. You are promising God that no matter what the circumstances, the two of you will stay together, stay sweet, stay loving, stay devoted, and stay true, to each other. God does not mandate you promise him anything but if you do, it is better to die than to break that promise, so be careful what you say.

The ideal marriage is an equal-lateral triangle. God is at the top and husband and wife are at the bottom. The closer you get to God, the closer you get to each other, and the smaller the triangle becomes and ultimately the three become as one. When a husband/wife is not what God says they should be there is no triangle, there is a line. This line makes it impossible for you to have a strong relationship with each other and with God. It destroys the peace and happiness because husband and wife are now blocking each other from God's blessings.

If you do none of the above, please read the Bible. Find out what God says your proper role would be in a marriage, and if you can't be that, abstain from it. Marriage is beautiful, but only when it's right. Your happiness, your peace, your eternity is at stake.

Someone is watching!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

of the abuse of women

Woman: God's partner in the continued creation of human life, strong, smart, loyal, courageous, humble, tender, passionate, desirable, and loving.

Her weakness: she forgets her own worth.

If a woman could be found on the shelf in a store, she would be found on the top shelf. They would hang a sign underneath her saying, "Please See Store Manager For Assistance." She would be out of reach, the manager would have to supply a ladder for any man to get her.

Too often women allow men to treat them as if they were found on the bottom shelf, or worse, the clearance rack. Why does this happen? We forget our worth. We often treat ourselves like we are less than what we are: God's. This opens the door for men to treat us in an undesirable way.

When a woman loves, she loves hard, she loves blindly, she looks pass the inadequencies of her interest, and focuses only on the good. She allows herself to be fooled into believing that a man does not need to pay "full price" for her, that any price he pays will do. So he cusses her out, he's controlling, he slaps her, and she stays. She makes excuses for his behavior with, "Well, I shouldn't have..." or "He's just having a hard time right now." Once he sees this, he begins to feed into her excuses and ultimately creates his own, starting a vicious cycle.

How do you stop it? Demand more. The truth is, this world is a store, and woman are found on the shelves, and GOD is the store manager, the ladder is the Holy Ghost. Every woman determines what shelf she will be on. The top shelf where God's help is required to obtain her, or the lower shelves where a man can obtain her all on his own. She also decides what price a man must pay to be with her. She controls it all.

Don't want him to cuss at you? Don't want him to hit you? Easy, don't let him do it. As long as you are willing to subject yourself to the abuse, you will be abused.

A decision needs to be made...demand "full price" or be treated like a clearance's up to you, choose wisely.

Someone is watching!!